Monday, June 22, 2009

Treating Uterine Fibroids

Fibroid are cellular growths on the wall of the uterus. They are almost always non-cancerous and are very common. The majority of women will get some form of fibroid during their lives and most of them will have no problems as a result. Some fibroid are tiny and cause no trouble. Some, however, grow to be very large and cause a lot of problems.

Causes of fibroid

The precise cause of fibroid is unknown, although there are many theories. What is known is that both estrogen and progesterone must be present in order for fibroid to grow. Once a woman reaches menopause, fibroid will no longer be able to grow and cause problems.

Symptoms of fibroid

Many women never have any of the symptoms of fibroid. The ones who do experience symptoms often have large fibroid. Some of the most commonly experienced symptoms are heavy menstrual bleeding, painful stomach, uterine, and back cramps, urinary difficulties, and bladder pressure. Anemia is very often a result of the heavy menstrual periods caused by some fibroid.

Women who do experience symptoms need to seek medical treatment, especially those who experience heavy bleeding during their menstrual cycles. Anemia occurs rapidly with the loss of large amounts of blood and must be treated. Occasionally, fibroid will grow so large that they block the ureters, which are tubes that transport urine to the bladder.

Treatments for fibroid

Many options are available for the treatment of uterine fibroid. For many women, treatment is not even necessary. Once fibroid are discovered, the physician will just keep a check on them to make sure they don?t start causing problems. If women are near menopause and aren?t having problems, the fibroid will often shrink once menopause starts.

For women with large fibroid that are causing problems, surgery might be the only possible solution. If fibroid block the ureters, interfere with blood circulation, or cause severe anemia, it might be best to remove them. Fibroid can be removed by using a surgical procedure called a myomectomy. This procedure removes only the fibroid and does not involve taking the uterus or the ovaries. Hysterectomies are frequently performed on women who have major problems with their fibroid. These surgical procedures do involve removal of the uterus and, very often, the ovaries as well.


There are some medications that physicians prescribe to treat the symptoms of fibroid tumors or to temporarily decrease their size. Sometimes, women who are near menopause will take medications that decrease the tumor size long enough for them to actually reach menopause. This is done because fibroid will usually cause no problems once a woman?s menopausal stage is reached. This buys them time in order to avoid having surgery.

If you are one of the many women who have fibroid tumors, be sure to see your physician regularly to ensure that the tumors are not growing at a fast pace. If you are one of the less fortunate who have large fibroid that are causing you problems, then a consultation with your physician should be scheduled to determine the best course of treatment for you.

Precision Trials offers physcian research based Phoenix Clinical Trials and more information on uterine fibroid .

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Tips for Breastfeeding Diet

There are several important things in the life of a woman. Among various things, breastfeeding is considered as the most important thing. Breastfeeding is really a very special experience for women. It is a phase of life which is equally important for both the mother as well as the child. For the women, proper diet at the time of breastfeeding is extremely important. For proper development and well being of the baby it is very important to follow some dos and don't about the breastfeeding diet.

Most of the people remain in dilemma as to take what sort of diet for breastfeeding. If you want to make some alterations in your diet then you are required to wait for a moment. To begin with, it is very important to first of all consult your health care professional so as to make sure whether the alterations made by you in the diet are going in the right direction or not. In case it is suiting your lifestyle then you can certainly go for it. However if it is not then it is advisable to leave that option and go for any other. It is so because you cannot take chances during this phase of your life.

Among various important things, the first and the most important thing is to focus on the proper intake of vitamins in the diet. If you want all the vitamins in right proportion then you cannot manage it with the help of any kind of nutritional supplement. It can be achieved only and only through a well balanced diet. Along with normal breastfeeding diets try to include some fruits as well as vegetables in it. If possible then try to go for five portions of vegetables and fruits in each day's meal. For proper amount of vitamin A and C you can include broccoli in your routine breastfeeding diet. If it is a season of winter then having a sun bath can be an outstanding idea. It is a fact that sun is a great source for vitamin D and it can fulfill your requirement in a natural way. In summer season, you can manage this requirement by going for dairy products, oily fish and margarine in your breastfeeding diet.

Some of the minerals like Zinc, Calcium and Selenium are considered very important for a breastfeeding mother. For including zinc in your breastfeeding diet you can go for red meat, sardines, baked potatoes, hard cheese, cashew nuts and fish like prawns and mackerel. The best sources for calcium include almonds, spinach, white bread, dried figs, tofu and calcium enriched Soya milk, and sardines.

This is all you require to include in your breastfeeding diet. But the description of breastfeeding diet is not confined to this only. There are some of the things which we require not to do while going for a breastfeeding diet. If you prefer the intake of alcohol then it is highly advisable not to have it now. The contents of alcohol indirectly reach to the milk which the young one sucks through the breasts. It can be extremely harmful for the physiological functions taking place inside the body of the young one.

Avoid caffeine as much as possible and go for calorie free sugar. Only go for home made food and avoid the processed food to a very extent. It is not advisable to go for foods which contain a large amount of additives in them. Thus one should not go for consuming peanuts as it is in the position to leave allergens in the breast milk thus it needs to be avoided.

If we talk generally then we can say that there is not at all any specific diet in terms of specific breastfeeding diet. The most important thing that one should take care is to focus on the well balanced diet. Still if you have any doubt or you want to know more about the breastfeeding diet, then either you surf the net or you must consult the doctor. There are several sites on the net that can provide you with all the useful information about the breastfeeding diet.

Breastfeeding is no doubt the most special gift for a woman. It is important to take care for all the aspects as then only it can prove useful for the mother as well as the baby.

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Friday, June 5, 2009

Causal Weddings the Latest Trend for Brides

So, you are now engaged to be married. What kind of wedding are you going to have? The latest trend is for couples to go with more causal weddings then full productions. You may have decided that a more causal wedding is what you want to do, though the question is now what?

With young couples's busy schedules, causal weddings are a great idea. With the price a big production wedding can be a strain on new couples getting started in life. Causal wedding allow for a memorable and classy wedding which will still be day to remember.


With today's basic graphic computer people can now make classic looking wedding invitations without shelling out the expense. Pick the paper you would like from the store and most basic software packages that comes with your computer has programs for designing invitations and making them personal to you.

Wedding Dress

The latest trend is classy and sexy wedding dresses without long trains. A causal wedding dress still can be just as beautiful with sexy v-necks and open backs. Online allows brides to get wedding dress at low prices.

Bridesmaids Dresses

What to make your bridesmaids love you more than ever. Instead of bright colored dress that they will never wear again nor want to, pick a dress from one of your favorite clothing stores. A classy summer dress can look beautiful and used again.


Everyone stills wants flowers at your wedding. It is important to find the right amount of flowers based on the location for your weddings. Many people spend too much time thinking about the flowers which they will never remember in the end.


The reception is a time for your guest to visit and interact. Often weddings bring people together who haven't seen each other for some time. Most intimate places like a friends or family member's backyard or a personal friend's quite location allows your guest to interact. Many standard locations for weddings place everyone in special seats in a large room and lose the intimacy that your causal wedding can provide.


With everyone having an IPOD or MP3 player, you would be surprised what a DJ your friends and family can be. Set your music player to a set schedule of songs and no one has to worry about the music all night. Working together with friends and family you can compile every song that you would want.

Bridal Online Store has the latest trends in casual wedding dresses and all your wedding dress selections.

Monday, June 1, 2009


ASU listed Precision Trials as a Circle Center Board Member for Healthcare Innovation program


United States of America (Press Release) May 21, 2009 --
Arizona State University has sought out and affiliated with Precision Trials, a local clinical research company to help balance the advisory board of the new College of Nursing & Healthcare Innovation program. This new program provides students with knowledge and information on biotechnical organizations, healthcare institutions and clinical research. Its purpose is to attract scientists and healthcare practitioners (e.g., physicians, nurses) who have innovative ideas for products to improve healthcare, but who need assistance in actualizing their ideas (i.e., idea design of the product testing the product through a clinical trial market).

The ASU College is dedicated to be “an inclusive world-class enterprise of discovery that
prepares innovative, evidence-based healthcare providers, educators, leaders and researchers.”

The Dean of the College at ASU welcomed Precision Trials to this new Board to help achieve
the unique mission of the Center: “to serve as a recognized, national focal point among
clinicians, biotechnical organizations, scientists, collaborating healthcare institutions, and community partners to advance healthcare through the creation of evidence-based innovative products and educational programs.”

source: FPR

“Precision Trials is honored to serve on the Advisory Board for ASU’s College of Nursing &
Healthcare Innovation”, stated Ken Levin, CEO of Precision, “as the community continues to
build its foundation as an international center for clinical research.” “It is vital for medical providers who are supporting the healthcare needs of Arizonans to become involved in the clinical research requirements of the medical industry to improve the health of our local community,” said Levin.

With three valley locations Precision Trials primarily focuses on Clinical Trials within the Women’s Health space.

Precision Trials, LLC, was incorporated in Arizona in 2006. Prior to its incorporation, the
company operated as an ancillary department of the OB-GYN practice of the Arizona Wellness
Center for Women which has been serving the community in north Phoenix since 1998.

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